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"No Equipment. No Video Footage. No Audio Footage. It Only Took 3 Minutes. And It Sold Out All My 'Unsellable' Stock For $4748.10 In Just 2 Days!"


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Whether you're a brand-new marketer hunting down huge profits from your first campaign, and silencing everyone who said "it couldn't be done" with one glimpse of your bank statement...

Or a grizzled pro who knows it CAN be done, who's done it before, and who's looking to do it again...

Simply reading this letter will show you how EASY it can be to supercharge traffic, engagement and sales in any business (NEW or OLD) with a shot of adrenalin that'd make a 3-legged tortoise look like Usain Bolt.

Best bit... you get to do it all, while doing LESS work. You just need to make one little change...

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The Way To Have Roaring Success With Video? Stop Making Video Ads. Start Making VidBullets

Look, it's not that video ads are bad. They're awesome. They're STILL the best marketing play of the 21st century.

They convert more traffic into sales than text and images.

They engage more people more often... often producing monster brands and businesses seemingly overnight.

They don't just rank higher and faster in the SERPS than any other type of advertising, they kick non-video rankings back into the year 2000 (where they belong!)

If you're hunting profits, there's no doubt video is still the biggest game in town.

But If Video Is So Good, Why Do So Many People Fail To Hit The Target?

The problem is, when you create a normal' video ad, you need to master your software, or you'll end up looking like an amateur.

And people don't buy from amateurs because they don't trust them.

  • So you need to write a killer script because not even Al Pacino can improvise an entire sales video.
  • You need to drop a ton of cash into recording equipment, then learn how to use it.
  • You need to add clean audio, which means shelling-out on more hardware and mastering more software.

You start making a video on Friday to make some sales for the weekend, and you're still not done by Monday evening. Most people will never make a cent from video ads... because they'll never have time to get an ad live!

So what's the good news?
Right now, with NO Script, NO Audio, And NO Recording Equipment
YOU could have your first high-converting video ad live in the next 10 minutes...

Denkar Sage Generated Almost $5k Of Sales In 2 Days... Because He Used VidBullet

Denkar sold $4748.10 of product in 2 days with just 2 VidBullets... on a product that was as dead as a Dodo.

Digital products:
Create a video for your eBook or membership site in minutes to pull in the crowds (secret hack: use a VidBullet on your blog posts to easily boost your rankings)

Affiliate marketing:
No-one said the product had to be yours. Create VidBullets promoting affiliate products and rake in the commissions.

Create a VidBullet to put your business on top of the "stack" and let organic traffic light-up your business.

There's a conveyor-belt of businesses out there, all wanting video ads, and it's never been so fast and easy to provide them... but more on that later!

Maybe That's Why VidBullet Is Already Used By Over 1000 People To Set Their World On Fire

And That Was The Old Version... Just Wait Until You See What VidBullet 2.0 Is Packing

Create UNLIMITED high-quality videos in 3 minutes or less

while saving hundreds (even thousands) of dollars in unnecessary software, hardware and contractor fees.

Click Here to buy


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